What’s Inside Divortiare 2nd ed.

September 13, 2008

About a month after Divortiare is released, my editor texted me saying: “Guess what, Divortiare is going into reprint as we speak, and I’m inserting the extended pages.”  I thought: “Awesome!”  Never would have thought that the books would fly out of the shelves so fast.  The reprints have hit the stores since a couple of weeks ago, and if you haven’t already, humor me and run to the nearest bookstores immediately ; )  The 288-pages first edition has evolved into 320 pages.  

It’s only fair for me to show you my deepest appreciation for buying and reading my books and encouraging me to always write.  So you know what, I’m giving out 5 copies of Divortiare the 2nd edition, personally inscribed and signed by me (or Kimi Raikkonen, when I see him in Singapore this coming race, yeah right haha).  What’s the catch?  If you have reviewed or talked about my second book somewhere, just let me know the link (you can e-mail me at ika_natassa@mac.com or just leave a comment on this post specifying the link to the review), we’ll visit the links, and if you’re one of the lucky 5, I’ll let you know to confirm your address to send the book (preferably in Indonesia because I’m paying the shipping charges hahahaha).  This offer is valid until November 1st 2008.


45 Responses to “What’s Inside Divortiare 2nd ed.”

  1. lebaran lebaran! Says:

    selamat wak! big grin big grin!

  2. mutz Says:

    waiting for ur new baby :)) hahahaha…

  3. Inga Says:

    hah? ika mau punya baby?

  4. Ika Natassa Says:

    huahaha, jangan panik gitu lo nga, secara lo trima undangan aja belon :p

  5. yudhi Says:

    Hi there…

    Serius ne ada Divortiare 2nd edition?

    Yang edisi pertamanya aja aku suka, sampe kupinjemin sama temen kantor. Kupaksain dia biar baca…
    Padahal AVYW punyaku juga baru aja dia balikin.

    I’m one of your fans. So, would you mind to send me the Divortiare 2nd edition which personally inscribed and signed by you?.

    It’s awesome! I love the way you write the novels.

    oya, satu lagi, cover Divotiare itu, dapat idenya dari mana, Mbak?

    Ikon titik dan koma itu bicara banyak hal lebih dari sekedar simbol.
    Apalagi dipertegas dengan gambar dua buah kardus dengan tag “HIS” dan “HER” itu.
    You know what I mean, right?

    Yudhi Hendrawan,

    PS. Aku juga tinggal di Medan kok. Kupastiin ongkos kirimnya gak bakalan lebih dari ceban!
    Suwer ewer ewer…

  6. Icha Says:

    Mauuuu kalo ada Divortiare 2nd Edition…
    Amaze banget sama AVYW then Divortiare….

    I wrote simple things about Divortiare on my goodreads

  7. dhesha Says:

    Bagi-bagi buku gratis?

    Haha.. Mau donk mbak… Kan penasaran juga gitu ma extendednya kayak gimana!

    Hope I’m the lucky one.. Hehehe…

    Andi Dewi Santi,

    Tinggal di Makassar aja.. Masih wilayah Indonesia kan itu??? 😛

  8. Ika Natassa Says:

    yudhi and dhesha, thanks ya, kindly provide the link to the reviews/discussions/whatever (not your email) to be eligible for this opportunity, just like icha did.

  9. ari Says:

    waa……mau lah jeng 2nd edition yg ada tanda tanganmu
    apalagi kl ada tanda tangan mas kimi 😉
    ato kl blm bruntung dpt dari kamu yah aku nitip tlg mintain tanda tangan mas kimi yah 😛

  10. Nike Says:

    Yang 2nd edition ini lengkap sama Extendednya juga?…. Mau banget….

    Eh, kemarenan aku ada baca extended version (e-book), kok blom kelar jg ceritanya *penasaran mode on*

  11. Ika Natassa Says:

    hahahaha, gaya lo ri … ntar aja pas bukber lo bawa biar gw tanda tangan, n gw bawa skalian ke si kimi biar dia tnd tgn jg, atau cap bibir sekalian? hehehehe

  12. Sitha Says:

    Penasaran nih pingin baca, udah titip adik utk beli dan kirim. Sukses ya, Ika.

  13. Ika Natassa Says:

    sitha: thanks ya, smoga it’s worth it 😉

  14. sitta Says:

    ~(.. or just leave a comment on this post)~

    Brasa bpamrih deh ehehehe.. :))
    Tp jujur sy emang ngarepin jd one of the lucky ones; soalnya bukunya (with ur signature :D) mo dihadiahin ke temen yg mo ultah. Dia penggemar novel debutan mbak soalnya 😉
    Pasti dia seneng banget kalo dapet hadiah itu…

  15. Putri Says:

    wah,,pas banget nih,,baruu aja ngereview di blog, mampir ya mba ika, kasih komen lagi kalo sempet 😀

    semoga i’m one of the lucky 5 deh,,hehe,,


  16. Erma Says:

    Lha yang uda beli 1st edition (seperti saya ini) gak tau extended versionnya dong mbak? Huhuhu…Iri…

  17. Erma Says:

    Saya sudah bikin reviewnya mbak
    *berharap dapat hadiah*

  18. Ame.ru Says:

    Divortiare ada extendednya?? Mau bangettt… *modus mupeng on*

    Aku langsung bikin review nya niy

    Semoga ga mengecewakan ya Mbak,,,


    Thankyuw ^^,

  19. Cici Liuputra Says:

    Hopefully I’m the lucky one..



  20. hari gober Says:

    sampe segitunya ya mo dapet your book..
    berarti gw beruntung banget ya bisa langsung main serobot ke laci meja kerja elo..
    plus bisa dapet liat sample tatto yang dicritain tuh di buku..wakakakakak….

  21. Ika Natassa Says:

    huahahaha! harryyyy kurang ajar lo yaaaa

  22. hari gober Says:

    biarin..biat yang lain pada ngiri…
    emang elo udah pulang ato masih di kantor nih..
    honestly..I had a relationship like lexy & deny a few years ago..apalagi cw-nya ok..hehehehe

  23. Ika Natassa Says:

    dan lantas dia menyadari kesalahannya tertipu org kayak elo huahahaha
    udah di rumah gw har

  24. tashya Says:

    mau dunk kalo ada 2nd edition nya, mba. hehe. penasaran banget sama endingnya. moga2 ada lanjutannya (ngarep bgt!!). gw nulis ttg divortiare di http://www.tashyabc.blogspot.com
    wish i’m one of the lucky 5.

  25. sariiffa Says:

    hi ika.
    mau bagi2 buku ya? suka telat nih dapet infonya 😀

    divortiare the ext chapter

  26. Adhya Rizkia Says:

    Waa ada penawaran baru. check this out mba :)http://ciolvciolicious.blogspot.com/

  27. dianapriany Says:

    sebenernya dah dapet sih file extendednya..
    tapi, suer! ga nolak koq klo dikasi buku yang 2nd editionnya juga..

    this is my review.. *klo bisa disebut review itu juga* 😀

  28. Farah Feddia Says:

    Hai Mba Ika..
    Im one of uR fans..
    Hmm i really like ur first book a very yuppy wedding…
    is There any true “Gentleman” like Adjie in this world?? I want him so much hehehehe sampe kebawa mimpi..
    And very bitchy and slutty guRL like Ajeng??huhuhuhu..
    Anyway, I finished ur book in 5 hours, n I like it..
    I want to buy ur 2nd book..n my dream is becoming a banker n writer like you..huhuhuu..
    Keep on Fire yah Mba Ika..



  29. Ika Natassa Says:

    hi farah, im so not john mayer to have fans hehehehe. thanks for the support ya

  30. vivi Says:

    ka ika… mau bgt novelnya…. dibikin ada lanjutan critanya lg dunkk… hehehe…. merci…

  31. ninda Says:

    mau banget dunkkk novelnya… silaken di lihat :

  32. Wienz Says:

    Ika, please let me know when Divortiare 2nd edition will be soon launched at Gramedia bookshop, since I can’t stand to buy it again…

    Thanks and keep up the good work 🙂


  33. Ika Natassa Says:

    wienz: di tobuk2 jakarta (gramedia, TGA, and such), edisi kedua udah tersedia sejak september 2008, there’s no sign on the cover except that it’s thicker than the first edition

  34. quinie Says:

    Mba ikaa, sayah ikutan… hopefully, i’m the lucky five :). just click my link and it’s ready to be reviewed…

  35. Erma Says:

    Apakah pengumumannya sudah ada mbak?
    1 Nov sudah lewat 😀

  36. Ika Natassa Says:

    hi erma, sori banget ya, krn kesibukan gw yg agak luar biasa 3 bulan terakhir ini, gw blon sempet baca satu2 link review yg masuk, dan mungkin baru bisa gw umumin around december atau january. thanks atas kesabarannya ya

  37. […] joined Ika’s challenge to review her 2nd book which was posted on this posting. And a few minutes ago, I found on my blogspot’s blogwalking Ika has updated her blog then i […]

  38. Maria Says:

    Hi Ika, loves your writing!

    I bought Divortiare at Gramedia Sale around last month, so I suppose it’s the 2nd edition?

    I’m loving the way you express everything in the book. And since my boyfriend has the same position as Alexandra.. makes it more interesting. haha..

    thumbs up for you and looking fwd for your upcoming books 🙂

  39. lolita Says:

    ika…Divortiare keren banget..
    ada lanjutannya gak?
    ditunggu ya novel ketiganya..
    btw,,novel2 kamu ceritanya ga jauh dari perbankan ya?gw suka lho..secara gw kuliah perbankan juga..ada bayangan gimana orang kerja di bank..hehehehe…

    good luck ya ika.

  40. d_nee Says:

    divortiare absolutely kuaren abiz. aq tau gmn rasanya kerja di bank krn qta ada di posisi yg sam.di ktr anak2 bikin poling suka ama deny or beno. di kantor kubunya beno cuma 2 org.aq dan kakak kesayangan q.sama beno aja yach . . . pleaseee . . biar aq gak traktir 20 org di ktr. ha ha ha

  41. Ndari Says:

    baru sadar…
    buku yang gw baca ternyata versi extended-na..

  42. Linda Says:

    mbak ika.. duh sori bnget ak baru baca divortiare bulan lalu dan baru nemu blog mbak hari ini…. jadul abis.. tp bole ga minta extended versionnya plisssssssssssssss please pleaseeeee i love everything bout lexy and beno… especially when lexy complains about box of popmie that was hidden at the kitchen. she cares beno a lot yaaa…

  43. icha Says:

    mba,,ak baru menemukan blog ini sekian lamaa,,ehhehee…
    ak boleh mnta extended versinya gaa,,,
    plis,kirim ke emailku,, anies_23@yahoo.com
    sangaat tidak sabar membaca extendednyaaaa

  44. Dewi S Says:

    Mbak, aq baru tau ternyata divortiare ada second edition ya? aq mau dong… udah telat belom ya? tolong kirim ke emailku ini dong: theega_funky@yahoo.com

  45. saraswita laksmi Says:

    Mbak ika,divortiare ada second editionnya ya??? mau donk…udah telat banget ya?????

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